
Daniel Escudero

Hello! Welcome to my homepage. I am Daniel Escudero, and I am a Research Scientist at JP Morgan AlgoCRYPT Center of Excellence and JP Morgan AI Research. Prior to this, starting on May 2017 until August 2021, I was a PhD student at the Cryptography and Security group at Aarhus University, Denmark, working under the supervision of Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen and Peter Scholl. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2016 where I had the valuable opportunity to work in a research project on Multivariate Public Key Cryptography during the last two years of my studies.

In general, my research focuses on cryptographic techniques that allows us to perform computation on private data. This includes, for example, topics like secure multiparty computation (MPC), homomorphic encryption, and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP). I'm interested both in theory and practice, ranging from interesting connections between algebra and cryptography (like the study of MPC or ZKP over more general rings than finite fields), to actual implementations and even deployments in real use-cases of these systems.

Some concrete topics I have worked on are the following:

  • Efficient honest and dishonest majority MPC protocols
  • Improved MPC for a small number of participants
  • Scalable MPC for a large number of participants
  • Privacy preserving machine learning (PPML) with improved performance
  • Zero-knowledge proofs for more general rings
  • Better zero-knowledge proofs from MPC-in-the-head techniques

There are some other topics that I am either currently exploring, or planning to do so, like:

  • MPC in fluid and dynamic settings
  • MPC with identifiable abort
  • Pseudo-random correlation generators and related primitives
  • Implementation of useful primitives for MPC
  • Private information retrieval with symmetric privacy guarantees
  • Privacy-preserving remote biometric identification
  • Post-quantum signatures
  • Secure message transmission

Contact: first (at) last (dot) me

An updated version of my CV can be found here (I provide TeX source code in case someone finds it useful for templating).